2013 Project 365

Project 365/222 – I’ll Walk 10 Miles for Peaches

There is a very popular hike with the hiking club which is known as the “Peach Hike.”

I’ve been having so much fun birding this year that hiking has taken a back seat. Yesterday morning, I started thinking about hiking and how it was overdue for me to return to the trail. My thoughts then moved on to the Peach Hike, and lamented that I probably had missed it as it is already mid-August.  Then I received an email from a hiker buddy asking if they would see me today on The Peach Hike. Absolutely YES ! I’d certainly walk 10-miles for some peaches.

This hike is always held during peak peach season in York, Pennsylvania.  This wonderful hike serpentines around Lake Redmond, and Lake Williams and begins at  William H. Kain County Park.  A lovely patch of land around the water reservoir that was established in 1976 and encompasses 1,637 pristine forests and fields.

Following the hike, the group travels a short distance to Brown’s Orchards for Peach Sundaes. It was truly a picture perfect day spent with great friends topped off with a beautiful peach sundae. Life doesn’t get better than this!

Here’s a fun song about Peaches by The Presidents of the United States. This mix has images of all sorts of peach artwork from great masters. Enjoy!

32 replies »

  1. Peaches are so good after a day of hiking or fishing, with or without the ice cream! You even picked the second best “peach” song that I know of. The best is Frank Zappa’s Peaches En Regalia of course.

    • Only you would think of Frank Zappa. He’s such a crazy dude. I remember seeing him in concert in Gainesville back in the eighties then road tripping down that night to Orlando to see the Rolling Stones that played the next day. Great memories. Thanks!

  2. Funny how often that happens…..you start thinking about something or someone you haven’t done or seen for awhile, and then hey presto…..

  3. You nailed it with the caption and soundtrack, and of course all the in between bits, peaches make people do crazy things 😉

  4. I will let you have mine! I think the feeling of peach fuzz on my tongue only happens after a bad night of drinking. Blech! 😛

  5. Really neat – I’d go on the hike too for that Sundae! That is so cool that it’s become an annual hike – looks like you had a wonderful day ~

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