2013 Project 365

Project 365 / Day 61 – The Fabric of Our Lives


A self does not amount to much,

but no self is an island;

each exists in a fabric of relations

that is now more complex and mobile than ever before.

Jean-Francois Lyotard

The fabric you see above was purchased at the Pisac Market in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Having the opportunity to meet the Quechua woman who personally weaved this table mantel. She was shy but gentile. With her kind ways, she showed me the detail of workmanship each of her pieces held. Some took more work than others.

This is one of the more elaborate pieces that she makes that takes two weeks to weave. Natural dyes are used to dye the wool used in this table cloth.

A decorative piece that with each stitch, a piece of her life is weaved into the fabric.

Peru 2009 074-Edit

20 replies »

  1. I really like your photo of the Quechua woman weaving her creations. Your photo really shows how it’s not just the craftsmanship that they put into their work, it’s also their souls.

  2. Exquisite work. Amazing when you see the working conditions. Who would be prepared to work sitting on the floor in the western world? This kind of craft is simply priceless. We’ve got a couple of wall hangings at home that my husband bought during his travels in South America: they are among our most treasured possessions.

    • I’m so happy that you also appreciate the beauty in the work from these weavings. It is truly an gift and an art that they are now recognizing is vital to maintain the knowledge. The Quechua women put up with far more than difficult working conditions. Their home life is difficult as well. Thank you so much for commenting Fatima and have a great Sunday!

  3. What a beautiful photo ! It’s great to see her in action and see all the pieces she has created. It’s beautiful 🙂

  4. Very evocative Emily! I too was blown away by these talented women. I felt most of them had an air of melancholy about them somehow.

  5. Emily, what an amazing and wonder-filled life you lead!! You must have a nearly perfect life, as far as I can tell from your amazing and beautiful blog. I love most all of your pictures and things that you share with all of us lucky readers. Thank you for never failing to bring a smile or Aahhh! to my lips each time I look at and read your blog. Namaste, Leigh

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