25 replies »

  1. Yeah I think you nailed it. All they’re missing is some torn up leather and spiked collars. They even look like they’ve got make up on. Great shots. 😉

  2. One of my favorite winter birds here on the Cape, Emily, and you have caught them beautifully. They are fun, punk-rockin’, splashes of life and COLOR during our gray cold days here FOR SURE! And ya’ gotta’ love those DOO’s!! 🙂

    • Now you’re lucky because you get to enjoy them all the time. It’s a hard to find for us. Always a pleasure to enjoy them when we can. They are full of character. Love how you described them. 🙂

  3. Did a shipment of hair gel go down in the bay near you? Seems like all the wildlife is getting wild! 🐲

  4. Just got from my place on the mainland opposite Chincoteague and spent time on Assoteague. Ducks were few but saw my first red breasted in the pond on the south side of the beach road near the Toms Cove visitors station near the beach. It was alone and way out. Took a few shots but he was so fr out there. Found my first wood ducks on Chincoteague in a ditch pond in the Oyster Bay section on the island’s north end.

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